About Manfred Kielnhofer

Guardians of Time by Manfred Kielnhofer Mystique contemporary art sculpture Guardians of Time by the Austrian Manfred Kielnhofer observing and pretending the world. “The Guardians of Time” relates to the idea that since the beginning of time mankind has had protectors, both for historic and mystical reasons. It seems that only man himself is a potential source of danger for his own existence. In his works of art Manfred Kielnhofer deals with the natural human desire for security. Thus his oeuvre reflects genuine exploration, consideration and discussion of current as well as historic moods and sensibilities of his social environment. His works of art captivate with elaborate combinations of light and different technique. http://www.paranoias.org/2012/12/guardians-of-time-by-manfred-kielnhofer http://kielnhofer.com http://timeguards.com http://fotopark.at http://artpark.at http://contemporary-art.at http://lightart-biennale.com http://www.facebook.com/manfred.kielnhofer http://twitter.com/artbeyondlimits http://at.linkedin.com/in/contemporaryart http://gplus.to/contemporaryartdesign https://plus.google.com/photos/102958896899981777265/albums http://www.flickr.com/photos/artbeyondlimits http://www.tumblr.com/blog/contemporary-art http://www.youtube.com/user/kielnhofer http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Manfred_Kielnhofer http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Guardians_of_Time_(Art)

Venice Biennial Venezia Biennale European Culture Centre Time Space Existance personal Structures creossing borders – Guardians of Time Manfred Kili Kielnhofer contemporary art sculpture arts

venice-biennale-venezia-biennial-guardians-of-time-manfred-kili-kielnhofer-contemporary-art-sculpture-arts-arte-design-statue-show-2003 venice-biennale-venezia-biennial-palazzo-bembo-guardians-of-time-manfred-kili-kielnhofer-contemporary-art-sculpture-arts-arte-design-statue-show-2226- venice-biennale-venezia-biennial-palazzo-mora-european-culture-center-personal-structures-crossing-borders-guardians-of-time-manfred-kili-kielnhofer-contemporary-art-sculpture-arts-arte-design-statue-show-2134

The European Cultural Centre hosts during the next Venice Biennale:

Exhibitions open 9 May – 22 November 2015, 10 am – 6 pm, Tuesdays closed, preview 7 and 8 May 2015 FREE ENTRY


The National  Pavilion of the Philippines    at Palazzo Mora                                              
The National  Pavilion of the Seychelles    at Palazzo Mora                                              
The National  Pavilion of Mongolia    at Palazzo Mora                                              
Crossing Borders
    at Palazzo Bembo
and Palazzo Mora




ORGANIZING INSTITUTION: Global Art Affairs Foundation
ORGANIZERS: Valeria Romagnini, Rachele de Stefano, Lucia Pedrana, Carol Rolla, Karlyn De Jongh, Sarah Gold, Rene Rietmeyer and Antony Bond.

The European Cultural Centre exhibition “Personal Structures – Crossing Borders”

In the context of la Biennale di Venezia 2015, the European Cultural Centre presents its opening exhibition “Personal Structures – Crossing Borders” in two of its prestigious Palazzo’s in Venice, Palazzo Bembo and Palazzo Mora.

The exhibition shows an extensive combination of established artists and artists whose practice is less known. Not only artists who are considered “the best”, but a cross section of what can be seen as art today. The artists, although mainly from Europe, come from many different parts of the world and are expressing themselves in various ways. Visually, the artworks may appear very different. Their common ground is the artist’s subjective, personal expression of his or her reflection on the concepts Time, Space and Existence.

The exhibition mainly presents recent artworks by living artists, either site-specific, especially made for this exhibition, or coming directly out of the collection of the artist. Some rooms in the Palazzo’s are dedicated to the presentation of a single artist, while other rooms will host a combination of projects and works. Strong statements give each of the rooms a very specific character. The exhibition features a broad variety of artistic media; video, sculptures, paintings, drawings, photos and installations. Since the more than 100 participating artists originate from very diverse cultures representing over 50 countries and are also of very different age, the topics Time – Space and Existence are highlighted from unusual, very personal points of view.

The EUROPEAN CULTURAL CENTRE exhibition “Personal Structures – Crossing Borders” shows the commonness and differences between Europeans, this in Dialogue with works of Non-Europeans. In addition the exhibition stimulates a more conscious relationship from the spectator towards his daily surrounding aiming to increase the awareness of their own personal Existence as human beings influenced by a specific Culture within Space and Time.

Participating artists are: 

Marc Abele (DEU), Hans Aichinger (DEU), Gus Albor (PHL), Carl Andre (USA), Narine Arakelyan (RUS), Orly Aviv (ISR), Bruce Barber (NZL), Lore Bert (DEU), Simon Bilodeau (CAN), Bigert & Bergström (SWE), Maartje Blans (NLD), Ivana Boris (ITA), Eric Bourret (FRA), Daniel Buren (FRA), Stefano Canto (ITA), Norberto Carating (PHL), Soojin Cha (KOR), Manohar Chiluveru (IND), Paul Ching Bor (CHN), Riana Chow (HKG), Glen Clarke (CAN), Michael Cook (AUS), Karlyn De Jongh (NLD), Herman De Vries (NDL), Iris Dostal (AUT), Carole Feuerman (USA), Antonio Freiles (ITA), Katrin Fridriks (ISL), Marc Fromm (DEU), Andras Gal (HUN), Daniele Galliano (ITA), Kristaps Gelzis (LVA), Beatriz Gerenstein (ARG), Valerie Ghoussaini (FRA), Kimberley Gundle (ZAF), Andrea Guastavino (ITA), Ho Han (KOR), Mau Harrison (CAN), Ariel Hassan (AUS) & Felix Larreta (ARG), Xenia Hausner (DEU), Anne Herzblut (DEU), Nam Hong (KOR), Dieter Huber (AUT), Walter Hugo & Zoniel (GBR), Lisette Huizenga (NLD), Manfred Kielnhofer (AUT), Helen Kirwan (IRL), Seema Kohli (IND), Joseph Kosuth (USA), Jaroslaw Kozlowski (POL), Beat Kuert (CHE), Guillaume Lachapelle (CAN), Sam Leach (AUS), Myungil Lee (KOR), Zinaida Lihacheva (UKR), Pep Llambias (ESP), Norma Lopez (COL), Michael Luther (DEU), Steff Lüthi (CHE), Manifold Design (USA), Louise Manzon (BRA), Una Moehrke (DEU), Francois Morellet (FRA), Jalkhaajav Munkhtsetseg (MNG), Lili Nalovi & Jasko Willert (DEU) , Lee Nam Lee (KOR), Houria Niati (ALG), Hermann Nitsch (AUT), Yoko Ono (JPN), Roman Opalka (FRA), Phebe Parisia (AUS), Ki-Woong Park (KOR), Mike Parr (AUS), Wolfgang Pavlik (AUT), Daniel Pesta (CZE), Triny Prada (FRA), Qin Chong (CHN), Saad Qureshi (GBR), Martina Reinhart (AUT), Joerg Reme (NLD), Reko Rennie (AUS),  Rene Rietmeyer (NLD), Veronique Rischard (LUX), Annina Roescheisen (DEU), Nicolas V. Sanchez (USA), Daniel Schär (CHE), Sebastian Schrader (DEU), Greg Semu (NZL), Amber Sena (USA), Jonathan Shimony (USA), Justin Orvis Steimer (USA), Karl Stengel (HUN), Martin Stommel (GER), Mihai Topescu (ROU), Josephine Turalba (PHL), Guenther Uecker (DEU), Guy Van Den Bulcke (BEL), Vitaliy and Elena Vasiliev (FRA), Marcello Vega (ECU), Wayne Warren (GBR) & Jayne Dyer (AUS), Lawrence Weiner (USA), Dörte Whemeyer (DEU), Arnix Wilnoudt (NLD), Zhang Yu (CHN), Zheng Chongbin (CHN).

More information at:
