About Manfred Kielnhofer

Guardians of Time by Manfred Kielnhofer Mystique contemporary art sculpture Guardians of Time by the Austrian Manfred Kielnhofer observing and pretending the world. “The Guardians of Time” relates to the idea that since the beginning of time mankind has had protectors, both for historic and mystical reasons. It seems that only man himself is a potential source of danger for his own existence. In his works of art Manfred Kielnhofer deals with the natural human desire for security. Thus his oeuvre reflects genuine exploration, consideration and discussion of current as well as historic moods and sensibilities of his social environment. His works of art captivate with elaborate combinations of light and different technique. http://www.paranoias.org/2012/12/guardians-of-time-by-manfred-kielnhofer http://kielnhofer.com http://timeguards.com http://fotopark.at http://artpark.at http://contemporary-art.at http://lightart-biennale.com http://www.facebook.com/manfred.kielnhofer http://twitter.com/artbeyondlimits http://at.linkedin.com/in/contemporaryart http://gplus.to/contemporaryartdesign https://plus.google.com/photos/102958896899981777265/albums http://www.flickr.com/photos/artbeyondlimits http://www.tumblr.com/blog/contemporary-art http://www.youtube.com/user/kielnhofer http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Manfred_Kielnhofer http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Guardians_of_Time_(Art)

The European Grand Art Fairs Documenta Kassel Athens – Biennale Venice – Sculpture Münster – Art fair Basel – TEFAF Maastricht / guardians of time art sculpture Manfred Kielnhofer

First images from Athens






Berufsvereinigung der bildenden Künstler Österreichs Manfred Kielnhofer Bildhauer Cross art

Die Berufsvereinigung der bildenden Künstler Österreichs (kurz BV) ist mit mehr als 1200 Mitgliedern die größte und älteste Interessensvertretung für Bildende Künstlerinnen und Künstler in Österreich.
Manfred Kielnhofer / Bildhauerei

#test #GuardiansofTime #ManfredKielnhofer #3D #Architecture #Print #design #sculpture #statue #art #arts #arte #contemporaryart #form #shape #concrete #sculpturepark #show #future #fineart #publicart

The first test is done.

 #GuardiansofTime #ManfredKielnhofer
#3D #Architecture #Print #design #sculpture #statue #art #arts #arte #contemporaryart #form #shape #concrete #sculpturepark #show #future #fineart #publicart