About Manfred Kielnhofer

Guardians of Time by Manfred Kielnhofer Mystique contemporary art sculpture Guardians of Time by the Austrian Manfred Kielnhofer observing and pretending the world. “The Guardians of Time” relates to the idea that since the beginning of time mankind has had protectors, both for historic and mystical reasons. It seems that only man himself is a potential source of danger for his own existence. In his works of art Manfred Kielnhofer deals with the natural human desire for security. Thus his oeuvre reflects genuine exploration, consideration and discussion of current as well as historic moods and sensibilities of his social environment. His works of art captivate with elaborate combinations of light and different technique. http://www.paranoias.org/2012/12/guardians-of-time-by-manfred-kielnhofer http://kielnhofer.com http://timeguards.com http://fotopark.at http://artpark.at http://contemporary-art.at http://lightart-biennale.com http://www.facebook.com/manfred.kielnhofer http://twitter.com/artbeyondlimits http://at.linkedin.com/in/contemporaryart http://gplus.to/contemporaryartdesign https://plus.google.com/photos/102958896899981777265/albums http://www.flickr.com/photos/artbeyondlimits http://www.tumblr.com/blog/contemporary-art http://www.youtube.com/user/kielnhofer http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Manfred_Kielnhofer http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Guardians_of_Time_(Art)

Guerrilla art public art contemporary art street art urban arts sculpture statue manfred kielnhofer guardians of time

Manfred Kielnhofer
About ten years ago, “Watchmen of Time”first appeared in Upper Austria, and today “The guardians of Time ” have literally conquered the entire planet. They have been seen thrughout the physical and virtual world alike. They have taken form in different sizes and materials. They have been produced in a life-size cloth form that is hardened in polyester resin, as a silver miniature , and in a handy plastic form, which has also accompanied many photographers in their world travels. A growing fan club also posst its own photos of the Guardians of Time on facebook.

So he has done this with his guardians at the Venice Biennale, the Art Basel and most recently in Kassel Documenta. All this was primarily accomplished without invitation. The advertising term ” guerilla marketing” is what he has applied to accomplish these ends. As you can see, kielnhofer has recognized the pulse of time with his sculptures and his installations.